(2025) Describe A Time When Someone Asked For Your Opinion

Describe A Time When Someone Asked For Your Opinion
Describe A Time When Someone Asked For Your Opinion – Sample Image

You should say:

  • Who asked for your opinion
  • Why he/she wanted to know your opinion
  • What opinion you gave
  • And explain how you felt when he/she asked for your opinion
Describe A Time When Someone Asked For Your Opinion – Sample Audio

Well, I remember it was last semester during the final week, everyone was preparing for the exams and there were like 6 subjects of them and some of them were really difficult. We needed to spend quite a lot of time figuring them out. And meanwhile, some of them were doing internships because we, you know, we hope to get more work experience before we graduated. So it was really exhausting, and many of us had a lot of pressure. So one night, one of my roommates, Jenny, she was really looking pale and tired. So I asked her what happened.

She told me that she was really exhausted, both physically and mentally, and she almost cried. She said she needed to get up early in the morning every day and then went to the company for the internship and then worked for eight hours. And after that, she came back to the dorm and still needed to review for the exams, which she thought were really difficult. And sometimes her boss even asked her to work overtime. So, you know, she thought she was really under pressure. And she told me that she wanted to give up on exams because she really had no confidence in doing so many things together.

She really didn’t want to give up on the internship because that was her dream job. So she asked me whether she should, you know, give up on exams or not. Then I persuaded her. I told her that she really needn’t to give up on anything. I thought she could always reorganize her schedule. And, you know, there always should be a solution for that, right?

So I suggest her that maybe she could first talk to her boss and, you know, reduce some working hours. You know, there could be a negotiation for that, right? And maybe she could also talk to the professors and to see whether she could take the exams later or, you know, something like that. And the most important thing I told her was that she should always have faith in herself. She could do it right then. I also shared my notes with her, you know, to help her reveal better.

So after talking with me, she felt better and more confident. And finally she held down to it and everything went well. So I was so proud of her for not giving up and also for going through this miserable week, as we all did.

1. Should teachers give advice to children?

1. Should teachers give advice to children?

For sure, teachers should absolutely provide suggestions to their students and they’re super important in Modi students academic and personal growth.
You know teacher know their students situations and can give suggestions so that they can make smart decisions, overcome challenges and set goals.
And also teacher can help their students develop their thinking skills, find what they are passionate about and get ready for the future.

2. What should a company do when receiving feedback about its product?

2. What should a company do when receiving feedback about its product?

Well, usually company they would receive good or bad feedbacks about their products in the form of questionnaires that they send out or on some platforms.
For example, on Taobao, which is one of the biggest online shopping platform here in China, you can find all sorts of good or bad reviews about all products that you can find. So when companies receive these reviews, I think they can do several things to improve their services and products.

First of all, they need to sort out the useful information from all the feedbacks.
Some of the descriptions may be blurred. For example, the customer may just, you know, use one word to describe it that is bad or not good enough.
So you may not exactly know what he is talking about. You need to reach out to these customers to find out the pinpoint of the products or something to work on. So we’re finding out the exact problems. The companies can do something about it.

And second of all, the companies can actually, and, you know, use all sorts of methods like brainstorming or to have some meanings to improve the whatever that the customers is, you know, dissatisfied about, for example, like the appearances of the products, the quality or the structure or just the service itself.

And last but not least, these companies need to go back to the original opinions, to the original customers that, you know, proposed the suggestions and to, you know, whether it’s to use the phone call or the questionnaire or writing a letter or reach them online. The companies can go back to the customers and to get their suggestions again to ask them whether these improvements has been effective enough.

So through these three steps, the companies can form a positive of virtual cycle to improve their products or services and in the end, to deliver better services to the customers. I think these three steps are quite essential.

Why do some people dislike giving their opinions?

3. Why do some people dislike giving their opinions?

While I guess some people are reluctant to give opinions because of their introverted personality, even if they have some good perspective or advice, they are too shy to share them to others. For those people, opening the mouth is already a difficult thing. They alone give opinions to others, they are just reserved.

Another scenario is that some people with little self esteem or confidence would rather keep their thoughts to themselves then disappoint others.
Apart from possibly receiving sharp criticism for presenting a dumb idea, they may also try to avoid blend or blackish in case his suggestion goes wrong or causes some trouble, which is why they would rather keep quiet.

Are there any apps designed for collecting opinions about products or services?

4. Are there any apps designed for collecting opinions about products or services?

I would say that this function actually is very common here in China because it is embodied in almost every single online shopping or ordering application that we’re using as one of the most basic functions.

And to be honest, I really haven’t seen an app which is solely designed for collecting users comments or opinions. However, I think compared with this kind of simple applications, our current ones are very powerful because they provide you with this kind of one stop service where you can get to know about the products or services or even food that you’re going to buy.

And they also provide you with a place where you can leave your after use comments. And this function is only available to those who have successfully placed an order, which I think is quite reasonable.
And there is also a place where you can have all kinds of back and forth communication with or among current users, the potential buyers and also merchants, which is very convenient and useful. And everyone can leave a message or raise their questions and their questions can always be answered.

So I think compared with those applications which only provides a single function of leaving your comments, I would prefer to use our current ones.

Why do people like to express their opinions on the internet nowadays?

5. Why do people like to express their opinions on the internet nowadays?

Well, I think many reasons can account for this.

Firstly, nowadays people have access to various platforms where they can speak out their opinions without being responsible for what they have said, like different kinds of social media applications and software. So they feel it’s extremely safe to say whatever they want and leave comments no matter good or bad.

Another reason is that you can encounter people who are like minded and then you can form interest groups like something related to music, movies, sports, arts and so on and so forth. There you speak same language with them and then you can chat whatever you want related to this interest with people who are on the same wavelength.

What are the disadvantages if sharing opinions on the internet?

6. What are the disadvantages if sharing opinions on the internet?

Well, I think there are quite a few disadvantages of sharing opinions online.

First of all, one major issue is the risk of being misunderstood.
Since online communication lacks tone, facial expression, and body language, people might misinterpret your words, especially on controversial topics. For instance, if you share your opinion about some social hard issues online, some readers might take it literally and think you actually support something you were trying to mock, leading to unnecessary misunderstandings and potential arguments.

Another drawback is the potential for public cyber bullying. If your opinion is unpopular, some people would give a harsh criticism or even online harassment which is really stressful and damaging to mental health. For example, if you share your review about a popular movie on a social media platform and say you didn’t like it while many others love it and you can get a bla flood of mean comments attacking your taste or even your character.

And lastly, I think showing opinions online can have a long term impact on personal or professional reputation. Since you post online can often leave leaves a permanent record. Something you said years ago might reappear and create problem, especially in career or personal life.

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Image : Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

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