(2025) Describe One Of Your Grandparent’s Job

Describe One Of Your Grandparent’s Job
Describe One Of Your Grandparent’s Job – Sample Image

You should say:

  • What it was
  • How long he or she had this job
  • How he or she got the job
  • What skills this job needs
  • And whether you would like to have this job in the future
Describe One Of Your Grandparent’s Job – Sample Audio

OK, right now I’d like to talk about my grandfather’s job. You know, my grandfather was a doctor whose medical ethics was very novel and deeply trusted by our neighborhoods. And in those days, my grandfather lived in a small village where the medical facilities were quite poor and not complete. And in their village there were only a few clinics. And even in some remote villages there were no clinics any more.

So once the villagers had a very serious disease, they could do nothing but to wait for death since, you know, at that time people were living in poverty and could not afford such large amount of money to go to the city and see the doctor. So in order to change this kind of situation, my grandfather had been motivated to become a doctor since he was very young. And after he graduated from the local medical school, he worked as a doctor for about 40 years. And in his 40 years, he saved countless lives.

And my father told me for some very poor people, my grandfather didn’t charge any money and also gave them treatment for free. So my grandfather’s work was very noble and admirable under my grandfather’s influence.

Nowadays my father is a surgeon and he continues to embark on life saving. But As for me, I don’t want to be a doctor since, you know, I was afraid of looking that kind of situation. I mean, the separation between loved ones in life or death.

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Image : Photo by Christian Bowen on Unsplash

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