(Update 2025) IELTS Listening Part 4 Sample Test 7 Free


IELTS Listening Part 4 Sample Test 7

IELTS Listening Part 4 Sample Test 7

Questions 31—33

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

31. What impact does Marc Prensky believe that digital technology has had on young people?

A. It has altered their thinking patterns.
B. It has harmed their physical development.
C. It has limited their brain capacity.

32. “Digital immigrants” tend to access computers

A. using their native language.
B. less efficiently than young people.
C. for less important information.

33. What example is given of having a “digital accent” ?

A. Having less effective typing skills.
B. Doing thing the old-fashioned way.
C. Being unable to understand instructions.

Questions 34—40

Which theorist makes each of the following points?

Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 34—40.

Points made

34. Current teaching methods don’t work ……………………..

35. Many students don’t understand computers. ……………………..

36. Computer technology doesn’t interest all students. ……………………..

37. Students can still learn the traditional way. ……………………..

38. Students still need to learn research skills. ……………………..

39. We should use computer games to teach. ……………………..

40. Computers can’t replace educators. ……………………..


A. Allen

B. James

C. Vander


IELTS Listening Part 4 Sample Test 7
IELTS Listening Part 4 Sample Test 7

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