(2024) IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Holidays

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Holidays
IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Holidays

1. Where did you go for your last holiday?

Well, I went to the coastal city for a quick weekend get-away.
You know, I am really an avid traveler, so when I have the chance to have a vacation, l’ d definitely grab it. For instance, I visit some resorts, famous tourist destinations, or adventure islands.

2. Do you like holidays? Why?

No, not really. Holidays for me are just ordinary days and it actually affects my schedule.
You see, during festivals and cultural celebrations, there is always a sea of people wandering around the city, so it kind of pisses me off. It is totally a hassle.

3. Which public holiday do you like the best?

I guess it would be the national holiday because s one of the special holidays in China when we commemorate significant occasions in the past.
On top of that, there are numerous activities held in Tian’anmen Square in Beijing and these ceremonies show Chinese people’s patriotism.

4. What do you do on holidays?

In most cases, I just stay in my room and indulge in some mobile games or perhaps immerse myself in some reading activities.
But, from time to time, my peers and relatives throw a party so, to show my courtesy, I would attend and bring some presents.

5. Do you like to spend your day at home?

Yes, I do enjoy spending a day at home occasionally. It’s nice to have a break from the usual routine, relax in a comfortable environment, and engage in hobbies or simply rest.

6. Do you prefer a leisure or a busy holiday?

I prefer a leisurely holiday. I like having time to relax and enjoy the moment without rushing from one place to another. It allows me to fully appreciate the experience and recharge my energy.

1. Where did you go for your last holiday?

For my last holiday, I went to Japan. I visited Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. It was an amazing experience, exploring the unique blend of traditional and modern culture, and enjoying delicious Japanese cuisine.

2. Do you like holidays? Why?

Yes, I really like holidays because they give me a chance to relax and recharge. They also provide an opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends and explore new places and cultures.

3. Which public holiday do you like the best?

My favorite public holiday is Chinese New Year. I love the festive atmosphere, the delicious food, and the chance to reunite with family members.
The traditions and celebrations make it very special.

4. What do you do on holidays?

On holidays, I like to travel if possible. If I stay home, I usually relax by reading books, watching movies, or spending time with friends and family. I also enjoy trying new recipes and cooking special meals.

5. Do you like to spend your day at home?

Yes, I do enjoy spending days at home, especially after a busy week. It’s a time to relax and enjoy some quiet moments.
Home is where I can truly unwind, whether it’s by cooking a nice meal, watching a film, or simply lounging with a good book.

6. Do you prefer a leisure or a busy holiday?

Do you prefer a leisure or a busy holiday? generally prefer a leisurely holiday. While I enjoy sightseeing and activities, I believe holidays should be relaxing and not feel like a rush from one place to another.
A leisurely pace allows me to fully appreciate the experiences and return feeling refreshed.

1. Where did you go for your last holiday?

Last summer, I spent a week in the Scottish Highlands. We rented a cozy cottage near a loch and enjoyed hiking, canoeing, and simply soaking in the breathtaking landscapes.
It was an absolute disconnect from the hustle and bustle of city life – just what I needed to recharge.

2. Do you like holidays? Why?

I absolutely love holidays!They’re a chance to break away from the daily grind and rejuvenate.
Whether it’s exploring new places, indulging in local cuisines, or just lounging around, holidays provide that essential reset for both mind and body.
Plus, they’re great for making lasting memories.

3. Which public holiday do you like the best?

Myfavorite public holiday has to be Christmas.There’s something magical about the festive season – the lights, the music, the gatherings.
It’s a time when people really come together, and the general cheer spreads warmth during the cold winter months.
Plus, giving and receiving gifts adds to the excitement.

4. What do you do on holidays?

I lean towards a leisurely holiday.I think holidays should be about relaxing and taking things slow, a time to unwind and enjoy the surroundings without a packed itinerary.
That said, a bit of adventure or exploration is always welcome, but the pace should be laid-back.

5. Do you like to spend your day at home?

As for my holiday preferences, it really depends on what’s been going on. Ifive had a hectic week at work, I’ll opt for a laid-back day, maybe take a leisurely stroll in the park to recharge my batteries.

6. Do you prefer a leisure or a busy holiday?

I love leisurely holidays, where I can take things slow and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. I’m an avid explorer, so I typically spend about a week in a city, really soaking in its essence. It’s hard to understand how some of my friends manage to cram all their sightseeing into just one weekend!

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Image : Photo by Dahee Son on Unsplash

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