(2025) Describe a Time You Had To Finish Something Quickly

Describe a Time You Had To Finish Something Quickly
Describe a Time You Had To Finish Something Quickly

You should say:

  • What it was
  • When it happened
  • How you finished it
  • Why you had to finish it quickly
  • And explain how you felt about it

One time that stands out in my memory when I had to finish something quickly was during my last semester of college. I had a major research paper due, and the deadline was fast approaching.

I must admit, I didn’t start the assignment as early as I should have. It was one of those situations where time just seemed to slip away, and before I knew it, I was left with only a few days to complete the paper. So, I had to pull an all-nighter to get it done.

That night, fueled by copious amounts of caffeine, I hunkered down in the library and worked tirelessly. It was a marathon of concentration and determination. I blocked out all distractions and focused solely on the task at hand. It was challenging, but I was determined to meet the deadline.

Looking back, I realize that the reason I had to finish the paper quickly was due to my own procrastination. I had been prioritizing other tasks and had let this one slip through the cracks. As the deadline loomed closer, I felt overwhelmed and stressed. But I knew I had no choice but to buckle down and get it done.

When I finally submitted the paper, I felt an immense sense of accomplishment and relief. Despite the challenges and the tight deadline, I managed to complete the assignment to the best of my abilities. It taught me a valuable lesson about time management and the importance of starting tasks promptly.

Overall, while the experience of having to finish something quickly was stressful, it also taught me resilience and the ability to work under pressure. It made me realize that I am capable of meeting deadlines and producing quality work, even in challenging circumstances.

One time I had to finish something quickly was when I was getting ready for the IELTS test last year. I had been doing exercises and using learning apps to improve my skills, but the test date was approaching rapidly.

To finish everything in time, I had to come up with an efficient plan and execute it diligently. I prioritized the tasks based on their importance and urgency. I allocated specific time slots for each task and made sure to stick to the schedule.

It was a challenging period, as I had to balance my regular commitments with the intense preparation for the test. However, the sense of urgency pushed me to work harder and smarter. I had to make sacrifices and cut down on leisure activities to create more study time.

When I finally completed all the exercises and felt prepared for the test, I experienced a great sense of accomplishment. The relief of knowing that I had done everything I could to be ready was overwhelming. It was a satisfying feeling to see the progress I had made and to know that I had given it my all.

Overall, although it was a stressful and demanding experience, I felt proud of myself for managing to finish everything quickly. It taught me the importance of efficient planning and execution, and it showed me that I am capable of handling tight deadlines and achieving my goals.

I vividly remember an incident last November when I had to rush to catch a flight from Pudong Airport in Shanghai. It was the day after I had spent an enjoyable time at Disneyland, and I was due to leave Shanghai. However, I overslept in the hotel, which was quite far from the airport.

Realizing the time, limmediately packed my belongings and hurried to the airport. The situation was critical because my boarding gate was the farthest one, Gate H, and there was very little time left before the boarding closed. The clock was ticking, and I knew every second counted.

I managed to reach the airport, but with the boarding time rapidly approaching, I had no choice but to run as fast as I could through the terminal. It was a frantic sprint, weaving through the crowd, constantly checking the time, and hoping I wouldn’ t miss my flight. The distance to the gate seemed endless, and my heart was pounding with the fear of missing my plane.

Fortunately, I reached the gate just in time, a few minutes before boarding closed. It was a relief but also a lesson in time management for me. The whole experience was incredibly stressful. It was a mix of panic, anxiety, and ultimately relief when I finally made it.

This incident taught me the importance of being more cautious with time, especially when traveling. It also showed me how capable I am of handling high-pressure situations, though I certainly wouldn’ t want to be in such a rush again.

Describe a Time You Had To Finish Something Quickly – Sample Video

1. Are you often busy?

Honestly, I think so. I’m often occupied with much work. I mean, I have quite hectic day-to-day schedule; because I have ive jobs, as a college teacher and a company manager. For example, i have to prepare lessons, give lectures and do research at university, sometimes we need to do seminars, meanwhile, I need to cope with corporate affairs. I often feel burned-out. Moreover, I still ped to squeeze time to go to the gym, you know; money and fitness are both significant.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages when people keep busy?

Keeping busy can have both advantages and disadvantages, depending on the context and individual preferences.
Advantages of Keeping Busy:
– Productivity: Staying busy can lead to increased productivity, as people often have clear goals and tasks to accomplish.
– Time Management: jusy individuals are usually better at managing their time efficiently to meet deadlines and responsibilities.
– Sense of achievement: Completing tasks and achieving goals can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
Disadvantages of Keeping Busy:
– Stress and Burnout: Excessive busyness can lead to stress and burnout, negatively impacting physical and mental health.
– Lack of Leisure Time: Busy schedules may leave little time for relaxation, leis spending quality time with family and friends.
– Reduced Work-Life Balance: Maintaining a busy lifestyle can strain work-life balance, leading to strained relationships and a diminished quality of life.

3. Do you think children should learn through playing games or under pressure?

Um. I tend to believe children should learn under pressure, because according to what I have read from articles, play is one of children’s natures, which means kids are likely to be attracted by numerous games without any instructions. By contrast, it’s necessary to teach children to obey rules and be used to harsh, boring and stressful learning atmosphere, so they can fed easy to cops with the coming stress in the near future.

4. What kind of pressure people may experience at work?

I think there are two type of pressure, career performance pressure and interpersonal pressure. The former one includes stress from career advance and worry about being laid off. Economic groups manage to earn money to raise their family, so every employee tend to make an effort to acquire a meter position with higher salary. Sometimes because of technology advance, workers may face the problem of laying off.
Another issue is that when economy depress, companies will largely downsize their staff, like epidemic problems. All these problems can cause employees’ pressures.

The second pressure from poor interpersonal skills. Many people concentrate on their work content, ignoring the importance of getting along with their colleagues, thereby forming bad relationships with other employees or even their managers. This can cause damage to their working status, for example, when people face challenges and hope to seek help, they may find nobody would like to help them, and sometimes their colleagues and employers may even isolate them, which will be detrimental to their mental health.

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Image : Photo by Arisa Chattasa on Unsplash

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